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Thursday, 13 February 2014

My Three tech fair Ideas

Unit Question:
How can I use technology to create a masterpiece project to be displayed in the Tech Fair?

1.  Box filler:
There will be three boxes that form something like a train and a machine holding the items will send it to the part where the item it released from the machine into the one of the boxes. The three boxes will moves from side to side so that each box gets an item at a time. We could make this using NXT Mindstorm. if we are able to assemble it after moved it will be good other wise it will hard to move around as it is quite big.
use NXT Mindstorm to create the machine and a track for the the boxes to move on and place objects on the machine so that the objects will be the one to fill the boxes.

2. Solar Phone/Tablet charger:
We will need small solar panels that will be connected onto a small platform with a place for a cable input/charger for the phone. The only problem is that we need sunlight and in some places sunlight is not available.

3. Jar Speakers:
We will need two jars, some cables and a conductor. Other material will be included. It will be small and portable. The problem is that we may not have some of the materials needed.

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Reflection and Evaluation

I am satisfied with my end result and I am happy that I could finish this project. According to me it involves anything a school will need to know about a student.
I could have tried to be a bit more colourful and manged the text boxes better as they were hard to move around without disrupting the typed work.

Student application Form 3

Student application form 2

Student application Form 1

We were asked to create an entry form for a student as if we were the owner of the school. We needed to make our own school name and a detailed form.