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Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Design Brief for my collage

I have decide to make my collage on the on the habitat loss, illegal animal poaching and deforestation that takes place the Amazon Forest. I chose to make my collage mainly about these problems as I am interested in the Amazon and I want to create an awareness about these problems.

I will be using pictures to create the shape of the amazon jungle and I may try to get the right colours in the right places. For example picture that are blue or brown for the Amazon river  and light brown pictures for the places where the deforestation takes place. Finally I will use pictures that consist of the colours green to make up the remaining parts of the Amazon.    

To answer the unit question. technology has influenced the way we look at problems as it help us spread an awareness around in a variety of ways and places.

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Unit 4 - Collages

Unit Question:
How has technology influenced the way we see the world around us?
Area of Interaction:


Collages are a group of pictures that make up one big picture. They don't have to make up a big picture. the smaller pictures that create the big picture usually tell or show a story based on the bigger picture. They can be made up of glass, paper, cloth, tin foil and wood which can come in a variety of colours. These items can be stuck on, stapled on or sewn on to a base. Collages began as a few scraps of paper glued on a bigger piece of paper. As technology began to influence our lives the methods of making collages changes and became less time consuming and easier. They can be used to capture memories, send a message and present a cause or problem.


For my collage I plan to present the problems of habitat loss in the Amazon jungle of South America. To make my collage I would need pictures of cut down trees and animals in distress. For the shape which is created by smaller pictures I will focus on making it in the shape of the amazon map. The problems this collage represents are deforestation, habitat loss, illegal animal poaching and land expansion.
Over the last few years  deforestation in the amazon basin increased by 28%. Even though it is not the most threatening amount they have seen it is still a negative impact on the land.    accessed on the 14th of May at 7:06pm    accessed on the 14th of May at 7:12pm    accessed on the 15th of May at 9:48am